Jackie Wu
Asia NKT Instructor
Jackie Wu is a movement and manual therapist based out of San Diego, California. She is the head instructor for NeuroKinetic Therapy in Asia, and also teaches other courses on manual and movement therapy around the world, teaching physiotherapists, personal trainers, athletic trainers, manual/massage therapists, Pilates instructors, yoga instructors, Asian medical doctors, occupational therapists, chiropractors, medical researchers, acupuncturists, and other health professionals. She also has instructional courses in self-treatment therapy and holistic health for practitioners and general public.
Course curriculum
Core + Hip/Low Leg
NKT Activations Bank - Part 1 - Core & Hip/Low Leg
NKT Activations Bank - Part 2 - Back of Leg, Ankle, Neck, Rotator Cuff, Shoulder & Wrist/Fingers
NKT Activations Video Table of Contents