Course Description

This study group focuses on using Warrior II as an assessment for hip, knee and low back dysfunction. You will learn how to look for valgus and varus abnormalities as well as glute max and rectus femoris strength deficiencies. Attention will be put towards understanding the coupling of inhibited Ab-ductors with facilitated AD-ductors and how to detect weak abdominals and overactive erector spinae. No previous yoga experience is required for this study group. 

Interested in this course? You must have taken Level 1 training to be eligible for purchase. Email us at [email protected] 

The cost for this tutorial is $25.

Available for unlimited viewing online: no downloads available. 

Jory Serota

Jory Serota is author of Applied Yoga for Musculoskeletal Pain™️ and has taught internationally since 2010. He is a pioneer in establishing the link between yoga, physical therapy, personal training and massage. With over 20 years of experience in kinesiology and various movement disciplines, Jory provides a unique and effective approach to treating the human body. Jory is the creator of the NKT Mobility and Assessment program and has trained thousands of practitioners world-wide. He is an influential figure in shifting the movement and therapy paradigm.

Course curriculum