Course Description

Interested in this Video Series? You must have taken Level 2 training to be eligible for purchase. Email us at [email protected]

The cost is $250 for those who did not attend the Symposium and $150 for those who have attended the Symposium.

There is also an option to purchase as a bundle including all Level 1 videos. The cost for this is $350 for non-attendees and $250 for those who have attended.

Available for unlimited viewing online: no downloads available.

The following modules are included:

(GA) Refining Manual Muscle Testing by David Weinstock
Learning how to refine your testing in supine, prone, seated, and standing.

(L2) Pelvic Floor by Kathy Dooley
Common patterns and causes of facilitation and inhibition; Pelvic Floor anatomy and function; Proper testing protocols; and Corrective regressions and progressions (supine/prone, quadruped, tripod, standing)

(GA) Approaching the Limbic System by Carolyn Watson
Learn how to anticipate which situations are more likely to produce a response from the limbic brain, and what actions can be taken to help patients and clients feel safe during treatment.

(L2) Breathing and Performance by Ruben Serrano
Your respiratory system is your number one survival reflex.Your body will trample over any obstacle in order to breathe properly.In this hands on presentation, we will look at respiratory system components: muscular, fascial, osteo-articular and functional aspects of the respiratory system.How to evaluate proper breathing mechanics, which structure may be involved in a dysfunctional manner and how to address them.

(GA) Anatomy of the Hip Joint by Kathy Dooley
Hip Anatomy - Bony anatomy; Ligamentous anatomy; Muscular anatomy with eccentric and concentric contraction patterns; Common pathological conditions; and How NKT can help.

(L2) Orthopedic Assessment of Hip Joint by Len Ershow & Eric Nelson

Orthopedic conditions of the hip not only cause pain, they alter the way the hip bears weight, alters gait and causes wide spread compensations throughout the body. This course will look at the congenital and acquired orthopedic conditions of the hip, their common symptom presentations, compensations, muscle imbalances and how to evaluate them orthopedically.

(GA) RockTape with NKT by Perry Nickelston
What is Rocktape Kinesiology Tape? How tape affects the brain; Taping movement patterns; Taping for facilitation and inhibition; Taping for core activation; Incorporating into NKT treatments.

(L2) Shoulder Correctives by Celio Silva
This workshop will explore movement as a tool to assess and correct shoulder dysfunctions.Functional anatomy will be covered as well as manual muscle testing in multiple positions.Relationships between the shoulder and the rest of the body will be highlighted and integrative corrective exercises will be demonstrated in both open and closed kinetic chains.

Symposium Instructors

The 2015 NKT Symposium Instructors are: David Weinstock, Eric Nelson, Kathy Dooley, Thomas Wells, Carolyn Watson, Ruben Serrano, Jamie Francis, Len Ershow, Noah Drucker, Perry Nickelston, and Celio Silva.

Course curriculum